Aerial photos of the Cliff Village: The children Return Home from School down the “Sky Ladder”, with the Bottomless Chasm at Their Back

Time: 2016-05-24 Source: The Beijing News Author: Jie Chen, Zijie Zhu

Atuleer Village is located in Zhiermo Township, Zhaojue County of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province.

The name of Atuleer Village is barely known to people and there are only eight search results about it on Baidu.

This village is situated on the slope platform of the fault-ridge rock shoulder of the Meigu River Canyon, with an elevation of about 1400 meters. There is a drop of 200 meters from the highest to the lowest point of the village. Seventy-two families are living on this slope platform.

However, to enter Atuleer Village, sevneteen rattan ladders need to be climbed along the vertical cliffs, among which the two rattan ladders close to the village are nearly vertical to the ground and connected at the length of about 100 meters in total.

Atuleer Village is a veritable “Cliff Village” .