Millions of children in China are hospitalized for a long time each year because of a variety of serious illness. During the period of hospitalization, they face many problems, such as the loss of education rights and the problem of social disruption. To this end, the New Sunshine Charity Foundation plans to start from the familiar leukaemia field, and make preliminary exploration of education problems for the long-term hospitalized children. It is hoped to solve the problems such as unhealthy emotions and the decrease of social adaptation and other abilities for the long-term hospitalized children, with focus on children with cancer. A ward school classroom was established outside the Yanjiao People’s Hospital. By means of long-term companionship, games, ability training courses, pre-school curriculum, collective outings, it is to help the children with cancer who are either receiving treatment or in the maintenance period ease their unhealthy emotions, reduce the negative influence, improve the children’s social adaptation ability and other conventional abilities, and help them return to society smoothly at the end of treatment.
As of October 31, 2016, the New Sunshine Ward School project spot outside the Yanjiao Hospital has carried out a total of 580 classes, 7 collective activities, offering services to 4,360 person-times.